Thursday, November 30, 2006

Kutti Kutti Kavidhai Naane - Pop Shalini

Just before I lost the recording software, I managed to record this very new song called "Kutti Kutti Kavidhai naane" from the movie "Poi" which is yet to be released. This is K Balachandar's 101st directorial movie.

This movie has very nice songs esp. "Poi solla poren"

Pop Shalini is a very versatile singer and had made it into the V Channel's VIVA competition but unfortunately did not win the award.

Song: Kutti Kutti Kavidhai
Movie: Poi (yet to be released)
Singer: Pop Shalini

You can also listen to the original (if you want to compare) in the link below

Original Song

5 reviews:

Mad Max said...

nice and mellow...very nicely done indeed...u lost ur recording software???? okie as a stop gap arrangement u can use audacity which is available for free download...that allows for multi track recording...check that out

Awatts said...

I was wondering who this Anup aka mad max why did you change your display name?

Thanks for the encouragement and the tip on rec s/w. I ended up buying a recording software over the I am all set to put more songs soon...

.:: ROSH ::. said...

this is really cool Awatts! I'd been humming the telugu version of this song for sometime, glad to know there is a tamil version too.

Awatts said...

~~ Rosh: Thanks..this was a easy song to learn and sing..may be I should try to sing the Telugu version next!

Anonymous said...

Just Thought I should clarify that Shalini had not entered the Channel V Viva competition.She is most certainly a versatile singer and I really love this song of hers especially